This week, Hertfordshire copywriter Mel Silver is temporarily forsaking her usual tips on good grammar and punctuation to bring you a guest post from the fabulously well-informed pay per click expert June Cory of MyMustard on how to make Google AdWords work for you. Enjoy!
“Last year I spent £500,000 of my clients’ budgets and turned it into £10million of new revenue for them. That’s the power of AdWords – when it’s done properly.
No one actually admits to clicking on sponsored links, let alone finding them useful. And surely nobody in their right mind would go on to buy something or get in touch? Well yes they do. In their millions. Google just announced their Quarter 2 2012 revenues, a tidy $12.2 billion, 90% of which came from AdWords.
In the five years since I set up my AdWords agency I have met dozens of people who think AdWords doesn’t work because they got no response, spent too much money or just didn’t understand what they were doing.
But I have also met many small businesses who have really harnessed the power and not only have a profitable business but a simple, transparent online system that delivers robust ROI over and over again.
It’s not an alternative to SEO (search engine optimisation) and it shouldn’t replace social media on your 2012 agenda. But it could be a really simple way to get relevant visitors to your site.
Just be sure to keep these points in mind:
- Be very specific about who you want to attract; what are they searching for, where are they based and what will be the average conversion value be?
- Assess the market size and the cost per click by using the Google keyword tool.
- Get your landing page ready for these people; what do you want them to do when they get to your site, it must be easy for them to engage (download, sign up, buy etc) or you’re just paying for browsers
- Start with 10 keywords, use ‘phrase’ keyword matching, write 4+ ads and rotate them so you can see which message works best.
- Get a freebie voucher to practice with then set aside some time, start small and be patient.
If you’d like to know more or get a quick answer to any questions you may have, call June on 07734 846855. I can’t promise you’ll make a fortune straightaway, but AdWords can deliver more targeted visitors to your site.”
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