Poor spelling has got President-Elect Donald Trump into hot water. After the furore over his protocol-breaking call to the President of Taiwan, Donald Trump took to Twitter to continue his diplomatic attack on China. Unfortunately, the impact of his tweet was somewhat lessened by an embarrassing spelling mistake that turned what could have been an explosive attack on China’s aggression into personal derision for his lack of spelling ability.
Trump opened himself up to ridicule by spelling ‘unprecedented’ as ‘unpresidented’ when he tweeted “China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented (sic) act.”
When (presumably) one of his advisers pointed out the error, Donald Trump quickly deleted the tweet and retweeted it with the correct spelling to his 17 million followers but proving that a spelling mistake is for life, not just for Christmas, by then it was all too late. One Twitter user responded, “Let’s hope Trump is soon #unpresidented” while another tweeted, “A lot of Americans are probably wishing they could unpresident Donald Trump about now.”
This incident graphically illustrates how it is vital to get written communications right to avoid detracting attention from your message – even if your target audience is considerably less than 17 million. Avoid a red face by contacting a professional copywriter like Melanie Silver for help, whether you need something written from scratch or existing copy licked into shape.