Doh! Prime Minister given porn star’s name
The White House has been left red-faced after it was discovered that officials misspelt Prime Minister Theresa May’s name no fewer than three times – spelling it the same way as that of a popular porn star (so we’re told).
Apparently, Teresa May (spelt without an ‘h’) is a soft porn actress popular in the US who appeared in the video for the Prodigy’s Smack My B**** Up and films such as ‘Mystique’, ‘Peeping Tom’, Nude & Naughty, Petticoat Passions Vol 1 and Lesbian Student Nurses. She has also appeared in magazines like Hustler, Men Only and Razzle. On learning of the spelling mistake, she tweeted: “I find it quite amusing how many people think I’m the Prime Minister. Just shows how ignorant some people are.”
A daily media guidance and press schedule from the office of the press secretary said: “In the afternoon, the President will partake in a bilateral meeting with United Kingdom Prime Minister, Teresa May (sic). A joint press conference between the two parties follows,” the first misspelling in the initial email read.
The next two errors were in portions of the daily guidance involving a meeting with Mrs May shortly after noon and a “working luncheon” with the prime minister shortly before 2pm. An updated guidance with the correct spelling was sent out about a half-hour later.
But the message obviously didn’t reach the office of Vice President Mike Pence, which released its own memo on the visit that misspelt Mrs May’s name once. That was also corrected about 20 minutes later. The somewhat undiplomatic mistake was widely covered by the British media.
Remember, you can always avoid making embarrassing spelling and grammar mistakes by hiring a professional copywriter like Melanie Silver!