Those who believe good spelling is still important, even in this age of the computer spell check, will be cheered by a story in The Times today headlined ‘Bad spelling traps stalker’.
A jilted husband who sprayed graffiti labelling his ex wife a lesbian was caught out because he misspelt the word ‘cheating’. He was exposed when his former wife identified his handwriting, leading police to carry out a spelling test. When asked to write out the abuse, the man repeated his spelling mistake, writing “Cheeting Melanie and Monique Lesbian Lovers.” The spelling mistake resulted in the jealous ex being ordered to do 150 hours community work for stalking and spraying homophobic graffiti.
Who says spelling doesn’t matter?
Don’t get caught out! If you need help producing well-written (and correctly spelt) marketing communications, give Melanie Silver a call on 01923 212048.